Formátování nápovědy:
function foo(x,y,z) %FOO One-line description goes here % % foo(x,y,z) % % Multi-line paragraphs of descriptive text go here. It's fine for them to % span lines. It's treated as preformatted text; help() and doc() will not % re-wrap lines. In the editor, you can highlight paragraphs, right-click, % and choose "Wrap selected comments" to re-flow the text. % % More detailed help is in the <a href="matlab: help foo>extended_help">extended help</a>. % It's broken out like this so you can keep the main "help foo" text on % a single screen, and then break out obscure parts to separate sections. % % Examples: % foo(1,2,3) % % See also: % BAR % SOMECLASS/SOMEMETHOD disp(x+y+z); function extended_help %EXTENDED_HELP Some additional technical details and examples % % Here is where you would put additional examples, technical discussions, % documentation on obscure features and options, and so on. error('This is a placeholder function just for helptext');
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